MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
prop=revisions (rv)
- Denna modul kräver läsrättigheter.
- Denna modul kan användas som en generator.
- Source: MediaWiki
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Hämta information om sidversion.
May be used in several ways:
- Get data about a set of pages (last revision), by setting titles or pageids.
- Get revisions for one given page, by using titles or pageids with start, end, or limit.
- Get data about a set of revisions by setting their IDs with revids.
- rvprop
Which properties to get for each revision:
- ids
- The ID of the revision.
- flags
- Revision flags (minor).
- timestamp
- The timestamp of the revision.
- user
- User that made the revision. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
- userid
- User ID of the revision creator. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
- size
- Length (bytes) of the revision.
- slotsize
- Length (bytes) of each revision slot.
- sha1
- SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision. If the content has been revision deleted, a sha1hidden property will be returned.
- slotsha1
- SHA-1 (base 16) of each revision slot. If the content has been revision deleted, a sha1hidden property will be returned.
- contentmodel
- Content model ID of each revision slot.
- comment
- Comment by the user for the revision. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
- parsedcomment
- Parsed comment by the user for the revision. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
- content
- Content of each revision slot. If the content has been revision deleted, a texthidden property will be returned. For performance reasons, if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 50.
- tags
- Tags for the revision.
- roles
- List content slot roles that exist in the revision.
- parsetree
- Föråldrad. Use action=expandtemplates or action=parse instead. The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model
). For performance reasons, if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 50.
- Värden (separerade med | eller alternativ): comment, content, contentmodel, flags, ids, parsedcomment, roles, sha1, size, slotsha1, slotsize, tags, timestamp, user, userid, parsetree
- Standard: ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user
- rvslots
Which revision slots to return data for, when slot-related properties are included in rvprops. If omitted, data from the main slot will be returned in a backwards-compatible format.
- Värden (separerade med | eller alternativ): main
- To specify all values, use *.
- rvcontentformat-{slot}
Content serialization format used for output of content.
- This is a templated parameter. When making the request, {slot} in the parameter's name should be replaced with values of rvslots.
- Ett av följande värden: application/json, application/octet-stream, application/unknown, application/x-binary, text/css, text/javascript, text/plain, text/unknown, text/x-wiki, unknown/unknown
- rvlimit
Limit how many revisions will be returned. If rvprop=content, rvprop=parsetree, rvdiffto or rvdifftotext is used, the limit is 50. If rvparse is used, the limit is 1.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Type: integer or max
- Värdet får inte ligga mellan 1 och 500.
- rvexpandtemplates
- Föråldrad.
Use action=expandtemplates instead. Expand templates in revision content (requires rvprop=content).
- Type: boolean (details)
- rvgeneratexml
- Föråldrad.
Use action=expandtemplates or action=parse instead. Generate XML parse tree for revision content (requires rvprop=content).
- Type: boolean (details)
- rvparse
- Föråldrad.
Use action=parse instead. Parse revision content (requires rvprop=content). For performance reasons, if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 1.
- Type: boolean (details)
- rvsection
Only retrieve the content of the section with this identifier.
- rvdiffto
- Föråldrad.
Use action=compare instead. Revision ID to diff each revision to. Use prev, next and cur for the previous, next and current revision respectively. For performance reasons, if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 50.
- rvdifftotext
- Föråldrad.
Use action=compare instead. Text to diff each revision to. Only diffs a limited number of revisions. Overrides rvdiffto. If rvsection is set, only that section will be diffed against this text. For performance reasons, if this option is used, rvlimit is enforced to 50.
- rvdifftotextpst
- Föråldrad.
Use action=compare instead. Perform a pre-save transform on the text before diffing it. Only valid when used with rvdifftotext.
- Type: boolean (details)
- rvcontentformat
- Föråldrad.
Serialization format used for rvdifftotext and expected for output of content.
- Ett av följande värden: application/json, application/octet-stream, application/unknown, application/x-binary, text/css, text/javascript, text/plain, text/unknown, text/x-wiki, unknown/unknown
- rvstartid
Start enumeration from this revision's timestamp. The revision must exist, but need not belong to this page.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Typ: heltal
- rvendid
Stop enumeration at this revision's timestamp. The revision must exist, but need not belong to this page.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Typ: heltal
- rvstart
From which revision timestamp to start enumeration.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Type: timestamp (allowed formats)
- rvend
Enumerate up to this timestamp.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Type: timestamp (allowed formats)
- rvdir
In which direction to enumerate:
- newer
- List oldest first. Note: rvstart has to be before rvend.
- older
- List newest first (default). Note: rvstart has to be later than rvend.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Ett av följande värden: newer, older
- Standard: older
- rvuser
Only include revisions made by user.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Typ: användare, genom något av användarnamn, IP-adress, Tillfällig användare, interwikinamn (t.ex. "prefix>Exempelnamn") och användar-ID (t.ex. "#12345")
- rvexcludeuser
Exclude revisions made by user.
- May only be used with a single page (mode #2).
- Typ: användare, genom något av användarnamn, IP-adress, Tillfällig användare, interwikinamn (t.ex. "prefix>Exempelnamn") och användar-ID (t.ex. "#12345")
- rvtag
Only list revisions tagged with this tag.
- rvcontinue
When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on
- Get data with content for the last revision of titles API and Huvudsida.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=API|Huvudsida&rvslots=*&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment|content [open in sandbox]
- Get last 5 revisions of the Huvudsida.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Huvudsida&rvlimit=5&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment [open in sandbox]
- Get first 5 revisions of the Huvudsida.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Huvudsida&rvlimit=5&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&rvdir=newer [open in sandbox]
- Get first 5 revisions of the Huvudsida made after 2006-05-01.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Huvudsida&rvlimit=5&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&rvdir=newer&rvstart=2006-05-01T00:00:00Z [open in sandbox]
- Hämta första 5 revideringarna av huvudsidan och som inte gjorts av anonym användare
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Huvudsida&rvlimit=5&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&rvexcludeuser= [open in sandbox]
- Get first 5 revisions of the Huvudsida that were made by the user MediaWiki default.
- api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Huvudsida&rvlimit=5&rvprop=timestamp|user|comment&rvuser=MediaWiki%20default [open in sandbox]